Friday, June 18, 2010

Police Chief Rinehart: Summer Safety. Letter to the Editor

Summer is finally in full swing. Graduation parties are winding down, the kids are out of school, the pool is in full swing, and we are all looking forward to another great July 4 (July 5 in this case) celebration here in Bexley.

As I was out on my bike this morning patrolling the city, it occurred to me that this is the right time to provide a few key tips for a safe, happy, and citation free summer in our great city:

1. Slow down and obey the speed limit signs. Speeding citations cost money and put points on your driving record.
2. Come to a complete stop at stop signs. Hard to believe, but a few of our drivers struggle with this.
3. Lock your car and put your valuables out of sight. Car break-ins are already increasing and the vast majority of the time the car was unlocked and valuables were laying out in plain sight.
4. Resist the urge to drive to your local fireworks store in preparation of Independence Day celebrations. Fireworks are dangerous and illegal.
5. Protect your identity. Only purchase online items via secure sites and do not allow financial and personnel information to linger in your mailbox. Identity theft is on the rise.
5. Become a member of or start a blockwatch in your neighborhood. Neighborhood watch groups work and strengthen our community.
6. Be vigilant. If someone behaves suspiciously, call the police department: 559-4444. Error on the side of caution and let the police sort it out. We have a lot of traffic through our city. A small percentage of that traffic is up to no good.

That's it. if we all work together our community will be a harder target for criminals, our streets will be safer, and you are much more likely to have a great, enjoyable, peaceful Summer. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you at the parade. Larry Rinehart

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