Monday, January 26, 2009

Thompson continues asking Whitehall City Council to consider a controversial resolution.

Whitehall City Council woman Jackie Thompson is once again bringing forth a controversial resolution.

She is asking her peers to designate February as "science month". It was her intention to honor Charles Darwin on his 200th birthday and Galileo's 400th anniversary of the first use of a telescope.

At the meeting on January 13, council member, Bob Bailey, reminded Thompson that February 12 is the birth date of what he called "probably the most important president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln". Thompson said that she knew it was someone else's birthday, but couldn't remember who. However, she was insistent that council should honor the two scientists for their accomplishments, particularly Darwin, for his contributions to medicine and evolution.

Again, Bailey reminded her that the Theory of Evolution is still only an unproven theory, and offered to give her his points on creationism. Council members also suggested eliminating the names, and just leaving it as "science month". Thompson would not budge.

One year ago, as Thompson began her first year of a four year term on council, she introduced stiff legislation to ban pit bulls from the city. Council later adopted another piece of legislation designed by Bailey, which allowed for an appeals board, and basic laws mirroring those of the Ohio Revised Code. The resolution received a first reading at the January 20 meeting, which gives council more time at the next committee meeting on January 27 to discuss it further.

Council plans to act upon the resolution at the February 3 meeting. At that time they could choose to suspend the rules and vote, or proceed to a third and final reading on February 17.

Thompson has been an activist in the community for many years before running for a city council seat, which she only won by a three per cent margin. Some residents and council members feel that her proposed pit bull ban last year brought much unnecessary, negative publicity from outsiders to the little town.

Her latest resolution proposal is once again not looking too promising.

Whitehall City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month to pass legislation at 7 p.m. Committee meetings are the second and fourth Tuesday each month at 6:30 p.m. The public is welcome, but there is no public input at committee meetings.

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