Friday, December 4, 2009

December 2009 legislative update: Texting while driving prohibition. Sharon Montgomery reports.

Sharon Montgomery writes:

On Dec. 1, Rep. Joseph Koziura gave sponsor testimony on HB 266 to make driving while texting or while talking on a hand-held phone a primary offense. He considers this common sense and would like to see all phone use prohibited by drivers and penalties stronger than he's proposing ($25 for first offense, then $50, then $100) but knows that's not possible. He didn't give facts or statistics on the risk, prevalance, or other laws. Committee members made no comments and asked no questions.

House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee Chair Linda Bolon said she and House leadership will discuss the provisions of the various bills on this issue to decide what to proceed on. I am supposed to be notified when a decision is made. The committee meets again at 3:00 on Tues. Dec. 15 then not till a Jan. Tuesday. I don't expect them to be ready by Dec. 15 but I don't know how fast they can or want to deal with this.

Sharon Montgomery.

WCRX-LP Editorial Collective.

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Design is copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Bexley Public Radio Foundation. Text is copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Sharon Montgomery.

1 comment:

John Rob said...

It is good to respond to incoming text messages, but it is not safe to text while driving. I stay connected with my friends and not distracted when driving. I down loaded mobile application and now listen to text messages.